Can you outgrow Monty Python? Or is Spamalot just not all it could have been? (spoilers)
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Jan 4 '09, 11:52
I saw Spamalot yesterday (touring company) and have been feeling ambivalent about it since. The production was very professional. The actors were all good. I laughed at most of the first act. The French seige scene was hilarious. (Especially the new bit, "I throw shoes at your president".) The second act was pretty blah. I expected the scene with my favorite song (Bright Side of Life) to be a big production number but it was almost a throwaway number. I didn't understand the "every show needs a Jew" bit (was that something Monty Python did that I've forgotten about?). I disliked the gay number - a lot. They did a good job in a couple of places localizing dialogue (the crowd roared at the references to the stinky Bengals). And the ending? OMG. How lame was that? "You've been acting in a show all along" (to paraphrase). I'm going to have to rewatch Holy Grail. Haven't seen it in a long while. Maybe it was just the show being blah (it won the Tony for best musical?!?) and not me having outgrown Monty Python.