Okay, so I'm going to babysit my good friends' 2-year-old daughter for six hours on Wednesday. Any advice would be appreciated.
They're taking their other daughter to Shriners Hospital for an annual series of checkups and other work, and I'm going to watch over the 2-year-old. I have children's books, crayons, episodes of Dora the Explorer downloaded to my laptop, plenty of snacks set aside, and a copy of The Hobbit to read to her.
But my big question is, should I spike her apple juice with vodka or rum when I completely freak out and just have to put her down for a nap?
For putting to sleep, parents may have a routine to share. For playing, bells, xylophones, things that make a noise you can both play.
second gary
Jan 5, 18:50
Make sure your laptop is free from any pornographic material. -- nm
Jan 5, 18:45
I know THE BEST activity for kids in the summertime, but I don't know if you can find a way to do it indoors.
Jan 5, 18:20
buy low, sell high -- nm
Jan 5, 18:01
bourbon. lots of bourbon. -- nm
the last semester ever loves mandy lane
Jan 5, 18:00
does she have a soother or blanky? Make sure you know where they are -- nm
Jan 5, 17:59
ask her parents is she starts crying and will not stop, what do they do -- nm
Jan 5, 17:58
Uhm...no on the spike. Unless you apply it to you.
the liioulu with clear skies
Jan 5, 17:58
I love 2. I say get the crayons out and teach her to make a letter O. -- nm
Jan 5, 17:57
play-dough. my daughter just discovered this. it's cheap and forgiving. -- nm
Jan 5, 17:56
you sound set. Another good show is Bear and the Big Blue House. -- nm
Jan 5, 17:54
dog track. You gamble and she looks at all the pretty doggies. Win win -- nm
Jan 5, 17:54
Don't let Guy help, and you should be fine. -- nm
Jan 5, 17:52