You know, I don't completely disagree with Capstern. Working for Medicaid it amazes me how many times I hear people say they want their Medicaid
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Sep 19 '11, 13:35
because they had it before they turned 18 or because they had it when they had a kid. As a country we aren't helping people to care for themselves. These are people whose parent's and grandparents were supported by the system and see nothing wrong with it and have no desire to better themselves so that they can help themselves instead of relying on the system. They would rather drop out of school, maybe work a crappy job, get food stamps and want Medicaid to pay their medical bills because it's easier than working hard to be successful.
I've had people ask when they will get their Disability because without it they can't buy Christmas presents (and these are people perfectly capable of working but don't want to work.)
But the mandatory birth control is a little over the top. But then again, some people really shouldn't have children. But this has less to do with financial reasons than just being bad parents. We've had parent's who couldn't tell us where their child went to school.
you realize that when we joke on here about requiring a parental aptitude test, it's precisely that, a joke, right?
Sep 19, 13:40
"you need a license to buy a dog, to drive a car - hell, you even need a license to catch a fish..."
Dr.Johnny Vermin
Sep 19, 13:40
I agree there can be a cycle of dependency and we should look for ways to better help lift people out of it.
Sep 19, 13:38
it would be a lot easier on all of us if they just had the decency to die -- nm
Sep 19, 13:36
Is the system perfect? no. Is it designed in a way that it encourages dependency? sometimes. should it be reformed? probably
Sep 19, 13:36
ok, your last sentence is ... wow. -- nm
Sep 19, 13:35