In response to
"I've always gotten the sense that a large part of it is "a pox on both your houses" kind of vote. -- nm"
That just goes back to Simpson's point though...If Quebecois are refusing to engage in the governace of the country, at what point does the rest of...
...The country get angry at the one-way street?
Charest is often called "The Most Federalist Premier In A Lifetime", yet he almsot never stops bitching about Ottawa because when he isn't seen as "Fighting For Quebec" his polls drop. After the billions in extra transfers - which paid for a $750 million tax cut in their last election - he's still going on and saying that the fiscal imbalance exists.
Further, there doesn't appear to be too many "Canada champions" amongst francophone Quebecois. Shouldn't a few of us who pay attention at least be able to name one?