In response to
":) How are the blood sugars today?"
Heh, thanks! They were much better today. I also feel much, *much* better in general after my doctor's appointment with the high risk OB today.
Posted by
kelly (aka kelly)
Nov 4 '11, 16:53
Doctor admitted to me that although my endocrinologist is awesome, and he sends all of his diabetic patients here way because she's so great, she's VERY tough with what she expects. He basically made it sound like he knows her expectations are borderline unrealistic. He looked at my blood sugars and told me HE saw no problems with them, told me my A1C was great (although I didn't see this, my mom, who was there for the appt, told me the doctor's face kinda lit up when he heard my A1C. She said he looked VERY pleased.) He said I'm doing a great job, and that I need to relax, because my sugars are fine. Baby is also measuring in the percentiles he should be in, so there's no worry at the moment that my higher sugars have caused any problems, or are causing him to gain more weight than usual, which happens a lot with diabetic moms.
Yeah, more info than you asked for :), but seriously, that made me feel so much better today, basically getting validation from someone who works with and knows my endo, telling me that her expectations are unrealistic.