In response to
"No, they always close during Christmas time"
But you normally get 1.5 weeks PLUS stat holidays off, right?
I'm just not seeing where you are coming from unless you work more than five days normally during a regular week.
23rd - Day Off (Vacation)
24th - Saturday (Off)
25th - Christmas (Off)
26th - Boxing Day (Stat)
27th - Stat In Lieu for Sunday Christmas (Stat)
28th - Day Off (Vacation)
29th - Day Off (Vacation)
30th - Day Off (Vacation)
31st - Saturday (Off)
1st - New Year's Day (Off)
2nd - Here it's a Stat In Lieu for NYD on Sunday, but in theory, you can go back to work.
I count only 4 vacation days needed there.