I missed the weekend plans poll. directly after work tonight I'm cleaning and reorging my closets, then I have "office hours"
which is where my friends and I sit around and talk finance and taxes while drinking red wine and eating licorice. then I'm sleeping. until like noon. on sunday.
this week is kicking my ass. I have no idea why.
Taking the kid swimming, dinner with friends, putting up some door trim and baseboard. -- nm
Feb 10, 11:20
Close friend's daughter's bat mitzvah, dinner with friends, work. -- nm
Feb 10, 10:57
escape for a couple hours to the Wolf tonight for keno and pints, soccer tomorrow morning and Harbor Frost in the afternoon in Sag Harbor, Villa v.
CQ: Giving Love To All
Feb 10, 10:50
3 more eps of Justified s1 tomorrow night -- nm
Feb 10, 10:49
I want office hours -- nm
Feb 10, 10:49
coworker: sorry mandy, I messed this spreadsheet up. you'll have to start over. I'm heading home, have a good night! -- nm
subtly kicking your ass
Feb 10, 10:49
Absolutely nothing tonight, golf tomorrow then getting mad drunk, hangover Sunday. -- nm
Feb 10, 10:48