My parents loathe him. They are praying for Sarah Palin to enter the race because she's the only one who can save America.
Posted by
Feb 21 '12, 10:39
Yeah, I apologize for my parents, but what can I say, you can't pick your parents.
I'd know, my NY cousin who is otherwise pretty smart keeps posting right wing crap, how obama is the worst pres evah (really, after bush there can any
Feb 21, 10:52
yea. the theme around here is hoping Christie jumps in and enters the race. But barring that, every repub I know is in Camp Romney.
Feb 21, 10:44
My Tea Party relatives are still hoping Bachmann gets a VP nom, or that Palin/Beck can get into the race. -- nm
Feb 21, 10:42
Wait, they actually said something like that out loud?
Spawn - The Blood Feud God
Feb 21, 10:41