you know, the more I think about it, the more I become convinced that Tiger has been called on his deal with the devil ...
a few years ago, he was on top of the world ... beautiful wife, WILDLY successful at golf as the world's top-ranked and all that ... everyone in the golfing world had him pegged for deification and all that ... UNTIL he got caught screwing around and screwing up.
Now, he's no longer feared by anyone. He's out one smoking hot wife. He does well to finish anywhere near the top of the leader board at all. I don't even remember when the last time was that he actually won an event. and now he's got another injury and has dropped out of a tournament because of it.
Tiger Tiger Tiger ... I remember when you finished a tournament with a broken leg. What happened to you, Tiger? What happened to you?
Yeah. SOmewhere, I think that the Devil's laughing at Tiger Woods.