ST Advice needed: I would appreciate any insights from ST especially the people that are semi regular church attendees....
Mrs Disney surprised me with something last week that I am not sure how to react to. My wife has been the more spiritual/religious of the two of us but on a scale of 10, I would put her around a 4.5 and me around a 3.
Last week she asked my thoughts about her becoming a minister (we go to a United Chruch...that would be Presbeteryian/Methodist for the Americans...they allow women as clergy.
Princess Disney was baptised over the weekend and Mrs Disney talked to the minster of what is the process for becoming a minster herself. Mrs Disney herself told the Minister, she just exploring this as an idea at this time.
So my wife is serious enough to be looking into this but its a long process (about four years) and as a new mom, it might be difficult time wise.
I want to support my wife in whatever she wants to do but that idea was not one that we had ever discussed before and it involves some fairly significant life changes for all of us.
Anyone ever have something like this happen or know of something similar? I am trying to be supportive of her but at the same time this idea surprised me.
Thanks for everyones thoughts...its very appreciated :) -- nm
Apr 16, 09:21
A kinship for 'the spiritual' has always been a Very Attractive Character Trait...
Old Antarctic Explorer
Apr 16, 09:13
my step-father became an Anglican priest after he and my mom got married...
Apr 16, 08:59
I think step one is figuring out just where she would want to take it.
Apr 16, 08:58
I would suggest a compromise of waiting a year before pursuing it.
Apr 16, 08:50
my BIL was kicked out of the priesthood.
Apr 16, 08:49
I thought about becoming a priest once...
Apr 16, 08:43
Its the kind of career choice that will force some additional scrutiny and pressure on everyone in the family, so it should definitely be a family
TFox, Loser-est Loser
Apr 16, 08:42