In response to
"Mike Huckabee to Todd Akin: "Horrible rapes created some extraordinary people" -- (link)"
Life, even that which is conceived under the most horrific of circumstances is worthy of respect, protection, and dignity.
Posted by
Stephen (aka Sceire)
Aug 20 '12, 19:01
This what I hear when I read what he said; it's what I believe as well.
He's not saying rape is a good thing, he's not disregarding how traumatic and horrific it is, he's simply stating his belief that there's another stakeholder in the equation, another life to be given consideration, worthy of our protection and compassion as well.
If someone can tell me why that is so offensive and so objectionable I truly would like to know. No sarcasm here, I'm truly trying to understand this, because I think over the last several months abortion has been a fairly regular topic, and in all honestly it's truly upsetting (to me) how dismissive and hostile the board can be to those who hold different views from them.
And to be clear, this is in no way a defense of Akin or what he said this weekend, because he deserves every bit of scorn received for those comments.
But when scorn and ridicule is continually heaped on anyone who in any way expresses a belief in the right to life I have to say, personally, this board feels less than welcoming. Just my .02, take of it what you will.
in answer to your question about what is offensive or objectionable about what he said, I would say this...
Aug 20, 19:47
I am going to violate one of my huge political no-nos. The inside message states my feeling on abortion in terms of rape (and overall).
Aug 20, 19:32
I appreciate your honesty Stephen, I just respectively disagree
Aug 20, 19:28
what, then, of the life of the mother? -- nm
Aug 20, 19:27
In a case where someone is raped and becomes pregnant from it, it seems inhumane to me to force that woman to carry the product of that to term
Aug 20, 19:23
I am against pro life because it forces a choice on another person. What if that woman doesn't agree that it's a life?
Bacon via droid
Aug 20, 19:14
I always thought the issue came down to when you think life begins.
Aug 20, 19:08