Holy crap, this is how a league implodes. So this keeper league I've be.en talking about here used to be a 14 team league, but the last three years
Posted by
Stephen (aka Sceire)
Aug 22 '12, 18:12
It's been a 12 team league, because we've had trouble just getting 12. During our league meetings this year there was a ballot measure to officially change the league constitution to a 12 team league, it failed by 1 vote.
Today, three days before the draft, it's announced that two new teams, bringing it to 14, are joining, and they'll be figuring out how to incorporate them into the draft, etc.
And then came the email from one of the guys who doesn't want it going to 14 saying "I told you I wasn't going to play in 14 team leagues anymore, I'm out..."