I give you the H-B-B drinking game
Drink every time someone farts, belches, or goes potty (including the pig).
Drink every time a train passes next to their house. Finish your drink if it shows the train going around the house on more than one side.
Drink if they refer to female genitalia as a food item.
Drink if Honey Boo Boo squeezes her belly into a vagina and talks out of it.
Drink every time you see toilet paper or they talk about buying toilet paper.
Drink every time they show the dog hiding from the rest of the family.
Drink if they eat food off the floor.
Drink if they use their own hybridized English like redneckognize or beautimous (beautiful +enormous? is how Mama speaks of herself).
Drink if someone plays in mud.
Drink if someone eats road kill or says they wish they were eating road kill.
Drink if they talk about dieting or losing weight. Finish your drink if they are eating junk food at the time.
Drink if they make a game out of comparing odors.
If they are eating something disgusting, you must either taste a prepared sample or finish your drink.
If they do something ironic (like talking about losing weight while eating junk food) the first person to shout �Ironic� doesn�t have to drink for 5 minutes and everyone else has to finish their drink.