so do we want to talk about something? as many of you know, I work retail part time. I started last year because I thought having more to do would
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Sep 17 '12, 09:31
help me to organize my time better, which it has.
we have a new person doing our schedule at the store, and while I really like her personally, she can't seem to get her mind around how I want to be scheduled. it's not so tough; one, maybe two nights during the week, and either a friday, saturday, or sunday shift. she frequently schedules me both saturday and sunday, which means I have zero days off in a week.
I have a lot of fun at work and I'm well-respected and well-compensated (for retail). initially I was like, the discount is nice, but now I'm kind of like, how much *stuff* do I need?
I'm thinking about having one last binge shopping hurrah and then quitting. you think this is fine, right? I'm not like, admitting defeat?
note that the contribution to my bottom line from the store will be excised from my "bathing orphans" budget, so I will see no reduction in quality of life.
its fine -- nm
Sep 17, 10:28
if you can work less with no reduction in quality of life you should quit -- nm
Sep 17, 09:53
You know your business, which is undoubtedly something they want to take advantage of and use you in primetime.
Sep 17, 09:46
sure - just think of how many fewer laundry loads of black you'll have to wash :) -- nm
Sep 17, 09:43
- [deleted]
Sounds like "Mission Accomplished" - time for another mission. -- nm
Sep 17, 09:35
does it suit your purpose to continue to be there?
Sep 17, 09:33
like any relationship, if it has run its course, then cut loose.
Sep 17, 09:33