here's a Dear Prudence since Love Letters has been peurile and jejune of late (hope this one wasn't posted yesterday)...
Posted by
Deev Another Day (aka Diva)
Nov 9 '12, 12:14
Dear Prudence,
A close friend of mine unfortunately was diagnosed with HIV about two years ago. We are part of a circle of close gay friends. We have been extremely supportive of him, as he is young and nobody wants such a life-altering illness. He avoided dating, as well as sex dates, until he met the person who seems to be the man of his dreams. His boyfriend does not have HIV, and we figured that our friend would tell him his own status soon enough. But it became apparent that he hadn't informed his partner and has avoided doing so for the past year. I assumed they were using protection but the other night I asked the boyfriend about it. He responded, �Of course we don't! We've been together for a year now and are monogamous.� I am in shock. My friend is being bizarrely protected by everybody with people advising that I stay out of their business. I have no idea how to tackle this situation. I feel that my friend's partner deserves to know, but how do I tell him, or who does it?
�Devastating Secret
"Either you tell him, or I tell him. Maybe you'll be able to convince him not to go to the cops. I won't try."
Will Hunting
Nov 9, 12:22
"How do I tell him?" By telling him. And then throat-punch your friend for being a bastard. -- nm
Nov 9, 12:20
Oh, well if my friends don't agree, then I'm totally not going to tell someone that they probably have HIV. (???) -- nm
Nov 9, 12:20
that's messed up. -- nm
Nov 9, 12:20
thats awful -- nm
Nov 9, 12:20
wow, that is actually a criminal act and putting someone at great risk.
Nov 9, 12:18
"I have no idea how to tackle this situation." Yeah, that's a tricky one. So many options. -- nm
Nov 9, 12:18
Whoa. That's a motherfucker right there. Hell yeah, the other dude deserves to know. But who should tell him?
Nov 9, 12:16