ST Poll based on randomness moment just now at library ... Earth Hour on 3-23 ... will you be turning off your lights at 8:30 PM for 1 hour?
Someone just passed through the library handing out what they described as "an invitation" urging everyone to turn off their lights for 1 hour on 3-23-13 at 8:30 PM ...
while I'm all for doing what I can to help out the environment and everything else, for some reason this thing bothers me a little. I might just turn on some extra lights for 1 hour in protest ... then go outside and start up my truck so that I can run the headlamps on high beams for an hour. And I even have a plug-in hand spotlight (500,000 candle power) that I mgiht turn on for a few minutes and put a big beam of light into the sky ....
Nope. -- nm
Dr.Vermin, might plug the xmas lights back in
Mar 22, 11:22
I wonder how many people will do this while still having a bajillion sleeping gadgets plugged into their wall -- nm
Mar 22, 11:18
Sure. Why not? -- nm
Mar 22, 11:10
no, I always leave a light on for the bird, otherwise I don't normally have the lights on unlesss I need them -- nm
Mar 22, 11:09
it's an awareness thing, i like it (i always do it.) -- nm
Mar 22, 11:07
Nope. -- nm
Mar 22, 11:07
sure. I won't be home anyway -- nm
Mar 22, 11:06
I love that my work sent out a blast email about doing this in our office building. It's a Saturday night, most of the building is already dark. -- nm
Mar 22, 11:06
no, I'll be out. -- nm
Mar 22, 11:06