In response to
"ok. so I was out with a bunch of people I've known forever but don't really go out with very often."
all the presdients love mandy lane
so joel starts talking to my friends about how awesome I was to first years in summer and fall semester and then goes on to berate me
loudly, again in front of my friends, for never going out.
this is the reason I never go out. people drink way too much, causing way too much drama. things are said people regret, people get hurt, and friendships are solidified or broken on an hourly basis. it's like highschool with dollar drinks. everyone is always wasted.
and it's fine, whatever, he's wasted and I'm mature enough to forgive him. my friends, though, are not used to the MBA way of drinking. they're kind of shocked and grossed out. joel keeps trying to share half of my chair and half of shana's and shana's like recoiling and everyone is just ignoring him and he gets *petulant.*
"you hate me, you don't me hanging out with you," blah blah blah. of course we don't, but you can't say that out loud to a very drunk person.
head paged after a bit and asked us to come to the phyrst to meet him. we make motions towards the door and joel is hanging on me and whining about how we don't want him around.
so sure, he can come to the phyrst with us and we can continue to ignore him.
on the way there, though, he's all touching me, putting his arm around me, holding my hand. and that's not cool. head, who is always my fake boyfriend these days, isn't there to save me because he's *at* the phyrst and we're walking there.
at this point, I was *not* loving my life.