well, Mom just got off the phone with the Vet, got a bad diagnosis on her dog...
first the back story... she rescued a dachshund from a puppy mill a little over a year ago, named her Gretchen... this poor dog was a breeder, kept in a cage, didn't even have a name (just a number tattooed on the inside of one ear) and all that... the 'owners' didn't have the papers on her anymore, so we don't know for sure how old she is, but think she's about 8 or 9 yrs old...anyway, Mom has basically been working with Gretchen to teach her to drink water from a bowl instead of a water bottle, got her the little steps thingie so Gretchen could get up and down from the couch, etc. ... Gretchen is still very shy but improved greatly since we got her...she's very attached to Mom now, has a couple of chew toys that she loves, and even has started 'stealing' my socks when no one is looking, takes them to the couch, and piles them up with her chew toys... i could go on :)
anyway, she took Gretchen to the vet recently for a checkup, and they have this program that's sponsored by some animal group where you have a large battery of tests run and these folks cover half the charge....
well, she just got some test results back from the vet this morning.. and Gretchen has canine Cushings Disease. i don't know much about it yet, but it doesn't sound so great. we'll know in a couple of days what treatment options there are, (how expensive it's going to be uuggghh), and so forth.