CDAN (sitwap) - Paula Deen admits under the oath that she uses the N word and once organized a wedding party where she wanted black waiters to portray
I'm not sure how much more Paula Deen's career can take. If she is not kicked off Food Network forever, then there is something wrong with the producers there. Under oath, Paula Deen admitted she uses the N word. Not used it once or it might have slipped out here and there on accident, but actually uses the word. That should be enough to get her fired and for no one to ever cook any of her recipes except at KKK meetings. However, there is more. Paula also admitted that once she was planning a wedding party and wanted only black waiters and wanted them to play the role of slaves. Yeah, she said it. Paula said all of this as part of a deposition she gave because of the lawsuit that one of Paula's former employees filed against Paula and her brother. The employee claimed Paula called her the N word and that Paula's brother sexually harassed her. According to The Enquirer, Paula said her brother is a coke head and an alcoholic. Oh, and is addicted to porn. Great guy to go in business with!!