In response to
"why should there be? -- nm"
A few reasons... One, it allows for some priority incentives. Two, when something is perceived to be "free", there are not-tiny segments who will....
...Treat it as such. Third, when there is no cost to a program, you will get more applicants, however that often means you will also get more people finding they cannot access the program of choice because space will likely still remain restricted. People with casual approaches to the subject matter are more likely to clog the system for those who really want to pursue the field.
But the main reason is that government spending will likely be unable to match rising costs of education, ensuring that overall standards and quality of the received degree decline over time. It's what happens up here everytime a province instills a "tuition freeze" on our tuitions. (Which are a fraction of yours, granted). Government just doesn't keep up.