In response to
"I'm not familiar with the movies board, I literally haven't visited TT in months, I was just speaking about here, on ST."
Thanks for the advice, Subversive.. I'm sure I'll be fine.
Posted by
Feb 22 '09, 13:11
The big difference these days then back then is that I'm actually talking regularly with D. Mac about a lot of things and we're generally getting along. The problem back then was that at one point, he just said "I'm not going to respond to any more of your Emails" and cut off communication which left me no alternative but to bring shit onto the boards while I was trying to deal with them privately. But I do appreciate this and I will be more mindful of "Classic Shades" slipping out...
(BTW, CQ last night called me "Shades" at the bar... which is kind of funny cause I don't even think he was around back then)