LYC: Should I stay or should I go?
Posted by
loosi at home (aka loosilu2)
Sep 29 '13, 21:27
I don't know why I agreed to this shit, but I did.
On Saturday night this week, the HOYA newspaper where I worked in college is having a reunion, for the general years when I was there.
I didn't like a lot of people, but I sort of liked a few. A lot of them are, frankly assholes. I was not in the clique. I originated a job at the paper (copy editor). after I took the position, production time was cut by 3 hours a night. My recognition was a mug with the newspaper name. Today, there is a full staff of a dozen people that do the job I originated. Other than a mug at a staff meeting, I never got any recognition of any kind, ever.
as for my former compatriots, they are disgustingly successful. We have a Forbes editor, a CFO of Zynga games, a VP of finance at Facebook, a head of legal at Google, and a member of the Obama administration. me, well, you know.
It's at Jaleo in DC (love the place), 100 bucks a head. I would need to get a haircut, a new dress, shoes, handbag, and jewelry, because I have not bought any shit to wear in several years.
I have to confirm tomorrow.
why did I do this? should I do this? why should I do this?
CFO of Zynga? You're higher up on the food chain than they are. -- nm
Sep 29, 23:07
I love that song!
Sep 29, 22:55
I'd be curious to know what the recognition stuff has to do with anything
Sep 29, 22:46
-'ll enjoy it, getting a do and outfit is also good for you, it will ignite your imagination, and you'll find new levels of respect
Sep 29, 22:44
blow them off, fly to Vegas and I will buy you dinner at Jaleo here. -- nm
Sep 29, 21:47
Of course you should do it. Especially if any of those folks you listed will be there.
Sep 29, 21:43
You should go, because a lot can change over time. -- (link)
Sep 29, 21:37