In response to
"This NYT op-ed is rather dopey -- (link)"
So much stupid in there it's hard to even get through it.
Posted by
Krusty (aka Krustylu)
Oct 20 '13, 09:02
I barely notice those bikes. I walk up and down every street from 66th to 98th on the west side. I'm all over Central Park and Riverside Park on a daily basis. I was in C.P. this morning. In the last week I've seen one Citibike. One.
Bike riders that go down the street the wrong way have been doing that since forever. It's not like they started doing it only because the city runs a bike sharing program.
Her lack of paying attention is her own problem and not a NYer thing. Yes, we don't wait for any lights and we cross wherever we want. We also look both ways while crossing. It's not like we have a death wish or some grand plan to get hit by cars to sue them.
We just don't want to wait to get where we're going. And if you don't pay attention when you're out walking around you're going to have a bad day.
She's not only going to get hit by bike riders but cars and people walking down the street. I bet she's one of those assholes that walks on the left.
The turning our city blue comment is ridiculous and goes back to my first point. I don't see those bikes all that much and definitely not enough for their color to have an effect on how the city looks.