LYC: my ice storn report ...
As I mentioned before, on Friday night, I sprained an ankle, so I've been hobbling around a bit. That was not ice storm related, per se, but it has made things a bit more difficult during it.
This morning when I woke up, I was thinking that the storm has been a bit of a dud. I was seeing ice on things, and that's definitely dangerous, but it wasn't nearly as much/thick as they led me to believe would happen.
I was about to post that but the dogs needed to go out. I opened the door and just a couple of seconds after stepping out, I heard a huge crack and some high-up branches behind the places across from us came crashing down. So, my internal storm meter went up a couple of notches.
I feel bad for the pups since the grass is iced over, including the pathways I shovel out for them in the winters (we dub the pathway network as Shetlieville). They wander around trying to feel comfortable enough to do their poops.
Shortly after that, I was typing a post here to report this area wasn't *too* bad, in spite of the branches coming down, and the power went out (around 11am). Before that, there had been a couple of flickers in the power, and mrs. zork said that during the night she noticed that happening a number of times. I was up quite late so those must have been closer to dawn.
My phone is broken right now so I couldn't use that to check for updates so we ended up going down for a nap until two o'clock or so. After getting up, we decided to start preparing for possibly being dark for the night or even for days.
I started up the battery-powered radio and collected our flashlights together. Then I went to the car to get the battery booster from the car because it has AC outlets in case we needed to use them.
Just as I walked into the living room with it and this battery powered room light, the power came back on. Of course!
We're going to make some preparations for tonight because the winds are expected to rise and the temperatures will fall so there will likely be some more power failures in areas.
BTW, all the neighbours love Sheltieville and have to tell us about that. We often look out and find "tourist" dogs visiting.