Here's some odd workplace behavior.
Posted by
Inigo (aka Inigo)
Mar 3 '09, 09:34
We have three microwaves in our cafeteria. From around 11:30am to 1pm they're in constant use. When one person's homecooked lasagna comes out, someone else's lean cuisine goes in. The unspoken rule is if you leave your food in the microwave after it's done cooking, it's going to get taken out by the next person in line, and will be put to the side.
Being next in line, I see one of the microwaves isn't cooking anything. I open it up. See a Lean Cuisine in there, take it out, and am about to start nuking my food...
...when this woman, who I know relatively well, come running and almost yelling, telling me not to take out the food. I think this is kinda rude, but if she needs to cook it longer, I don't mind.
Instead, she puts the food back in, and say it needs to cool for two minutes. Seriously, WTF? It can cool down outside the microwave.
Put it in the freezer. It will cool much better there. -- nm
Mar 3, 09:41
- [deleted]
you made her Lean Cuisine Bundt cake fall !!! -- nm
Mar 3, 09:40
okay, *waits until she leaves and then takes it back out of the microwave* -- nm
znufrii, older, no wiser
Mar 3, 09:38
Putting some thing *into* the microwave... to cool. Huh. -- nm
Mar 3, 09:37
it's cooler outside the microwave. -- nm
Mar 3, 09:37
OCD? She's def batty. -- nm
Mar 3, 09:35
That's about as rude as you can get. Hate people like that. -- nm
Don Homer
Mar 3, 09:35