Once again, because ST knows best . . . tech ? IM concerning flash drives and a problem I'm currently experiencing . . .
ok, so I have 2"SanDisk" brand flash drives. 1 is an 8 gig, the other is a 16 gig. I've been storing MP3 / digital copies of my music on the 2 flash drives and, until recently, have not had any problems with them at all.
This week, though, they started to act funny, as if the desktop computer at home wasn't acknowledging them. There were no "computer does not recognize this drive" messages though. What has been happening is that I'll put 1 of them in to access the music, and no window opens up. WHen I then click the "computer" thing to access different drives, it will either do nothing at all or will have the little "(not responding)" thing happening. WHen I then pull out the flash drive, there will be an instant of what appears to be the flash drive's "icon" in the computer window before it goes away and things on the desktop act fine.
All of my other flash drives (they are different brands from the SanDisk thing) work fine without any troubles trying to access them.
The only reliable thing that I've found is either trying to access the SanDisk flash drive right after starting up the computer in the morning or rebooting the computer and then trying to access the flash drive.
As a cautionary move, I've already taken another 8gig flash drive that I have and managed to copy over things from the 8gig SanDisk over so that there's no risk of losing those digital music files. I am considering getting a new flash drive of a different name brand this week and doing the same with the 16gig just in case ... while I don't have the 16gig full of music (i'd have to check to say how much space is actually being used at the moment), it would be a pain in the ass to replace all of the music that is on there.
Also as a precautionary measure, when I was able to access the 16gig drive a little while ago, I did a scan thing and it came up showing that there are no problems on the flash drive.
So, bottom line . . . does anyone have any ideas here on what might be the issue? does any other ST'ers use the SanDisk brand and have any opinions of it?