In response to
"LIR Survivor thought"
I disagree. What did he do tonight? He tried his best, and failed, to recruit the likely swing vote. A swing vote that he had a previous alliance with. He then decided to show off his hidden idol at tribal. He then played it to protect the wrong person, who then played one to protect him. Neither had a vote cast against them. They were saved by Trish realizing how bad the fracture was and that because of it someone who shouldn't flip, who nobody else would have likely thought to approach, was ready (and stupid enough) to flip. If not for that Kass being a horrible player they are down 6-4 and are out both of their hidden idols.
His smart move would have been to not take the bait and make no mention of the hidden idol. Then the other group votes for him, he plays it for himself, and it doesn't matter if Kass turns.