The White/Gay/Ind. DC Mayor candidate who had dramatically improved his election chances, got screwed today by a former rep out for revenge
Posted by
MDH (aka MDH)
Jun 9 '14, 13:24
This is why the city can't have nice things. Catania looked to be nearly tied with Bowser, and this f*cks it all up. Bowser sucks, and now she's obviously going to win.
Carol Schwartz, the former Councilmember and only Republican nominee to cross the 30 percent mark in a D.C. mayoral election since Home Rule, is launching an Independent bid to become the next mayor of the city.
If she's able to collect enough signatures by the September deadline, Schwartz will join fellow ex-Republican, Councilmember David Catania in a race to defeat Democratic primary winner Muriel Bowser. Catania backed Patrick Mara over Schwartz during the 2008 Republican primary.