hey, ST . . . how hard is it to run background checks on yourself over the internet? i am wondering, because . . .
i've been cycling through another round of job app's and general just trying to find a job, and i'm not even getting a "courtesy call back" from people telling me it's a no-go.
Case in point -- i called a place this past Tuesday and the manager was like, "Yeah, i'm really understaffed and need to hire like 3 or 4 people right now." i went by and filled out the application and some initial paperwork that he said would need to be faxed in to the corporate office in Nashville. He said that it would take at least 24 hours, but no more than 72, and that "I always call people back, even if it's to let them know that I can't hire them."
Well, i still haven't heard anything from him, and i plan on calling him this afternoon to basically speak my mind and politely invite him to go to hell. i don't need a job from someone who (a) won't keep their word and call me like they said they would, and (b) insist that he give me adequate explanation for why he never kept his word to call me back and why I can't be hired.
anyway . . . I want to know how difficult it is find stuff out about myself over the internet. i've googled my name a few times, and basically didn't find anything.
i'm just wondering what I can do to see if there's something "out there" that employers have access to that might raise red flags on prospective employees . . .