LYC: That makes two of three weeks of training that chasing Terri has left me barely able to stand
Posted by
JD (aka Jason Dean)
Jul 26 '14, 10:47
Though this time, it wasn't the pace.
Someone did show up at 7 and I'm perhaps too good a teammate as I went and ran like 5 and half miles with Anita
Tried to keep the pace to something reasonable as I knew that was essentially the first half of the workout
Got back and stretched and then it was like 820. So stayed in car to stay warm. Terri showed up pretty much on time @ 830. She led me through a park and some trails I'd never been on which was good as I had no idea how far we had gone or how far it was to get back. So that was another 4+
So when I woke up this morning, I thought I was going 5 and instead did nearly double that albeit with a 15-20 minute break thrown in there
Eating steak and eggs as recovery and then I forsee a shower and a nap
And for whatever bar adventures or other craziness since end of May.....this double might indeed be the dumbest thing I've done. But at least it was a healthy activity kind of dumb. ;-)