I know I haven't said anything about it lately, but I just cannot say enough how disgusted I am by certain segments of the clientel to be found at . .
the local public library.
Lord knows I'm not perfect -- so who am I to talk? -- but when you see a guy who comes to the library on a regular basis for the sole and expressed purpose of watching music videos that objectify women and drug use (and the whole lifestyle that goes with it), you just want to go up to them and smack them in the face with a good, healthy, "You fucking need Jesus!"
And I wish the people who work here at the library were a little more proactive about things. While such things bug the sh!t out of me and I don't care for it at all, I personally can choose to sit in another area of the library computer area where I won't see it, but you have to consider that kids have their own area of computers. And sometimes they don't adhere to the library's policies and go into the main computer area. Kids shouldn't see that sort of stuff, and the library staff just doesn't do a super swell job of enforcing the whole "no kids in this area without parental supervision" thing . . .
of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.