In response to
"weather channel releases its list of winter storm names for us to ignore -- (link)"
those are some names. Bozeman? Neptune?
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Oct 2 '14, 09:43
Astro (as-tro) – In Greek, it means star.
Bozeman – In honor of the Miss Shupe’s Bozeman High School Latin class, which provided the 2013-2014 list of winter storm names.
Cato (cay-to) – The name of a Roman statesman and his great-grandson, who were both known for integrity.
Damon (day-mon) – From Greek mythology; known for his loyalty.
Eris (air-is) – From Greek mythology; the goddess of discord.
Frona (froh-na) – Greek, short for Sofronia; related to the word for wise.
Gorgon (gore-gon) – From Greek mythology, one of three monsters; serpentine humanoids.
Hektor (hek-tor) – From Greek mythology, the Trojan champion who was killed by Achilles.
Iola (eye-oh-la) – From Greek mythology, a variant spelling of Iolë, a beautiful woman who Hercules wanted to marry, but could not.
Juno (joo-no) – From Roman mythology, a goddess who looked after the women of Rome.
Kari (care-ey) – A Finnish name derived from the Greek name Makarios from old-Greek meaning blessed or happy.
Linus (ly-nus) – From Greek Mythology, a son of Apollo known as a great musician.
Marcus (mar-cuss) – An Ancient Roman name referring to Mars, the god of war.
Neptune (nep-toon) – From Roman mythology, the god of the sea.
Octavia (ok-tay-vee-a) – The sister of the first Roman Emperor, Augustus, who was also known as Octavian.
Pandora (pan-door-a) – From Greek mythology, the first human woman created by the gods.
Quantum (kwan-tom) – From the Latin word quantus, meaning how much.
Remus (ree-mus) – From Roman mythology, one of the founding brothers of Rome, along with Romulus.
Sparta (spar-ta) – Prominent Greek city that was the principal enemy of Athens during the Peloponnesian War.
Thor (thor) – From Scandinavian mythology, god of thunder and rain.
Ultima (uhl-tee-ma) – From Latin, feminine version of ultimus meaning last, furthest, final.
Venus – From Roman mythology, the goddess of love.
W ??? – Help us choose! Take the poll on this page.
Xander (zan-der) – Dutch form of Latin name, Alexandrus.
Yuli (you-lee) – Basque for the Latin name, Julius.
Zelus (zell-us) – From Greek mythology, personifies dedication, envy, jealousy, and zeal.