My mom is so cute
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Jan 16 '15, 10:54
Every year she gets excited for the Oscar nom'd movies and we usually end up seeing a couple. Her text to me:
"I'm ready to go see some movies. Seven r nominated for Oscar n I want to see em all if I can these next weeks. Do you have any other plan?"
I'm thinking, first you get all into politics out of the blue, and now this. Empty nest syndrome must really be a thing! Also, seven of what exactly, I don't know.
My answer: "Well, the weekend of Feb 6..."
And then I talk to her. "Oh, I only meant for tomorrow!"
Also, apparently this "whitest Oscars ever" story is getting coverage on local news, which is weird to me. Which she watches. I'm like, "Who said this?"
And she's like, "Oh this black guy they always get with the hair combed back..."
Me: "Say no more..."
It's weird to me because I didn't even know about the Argo controversy Jack mentioned earlier.