The only thing that should be scary about the Pats is Brady is 37+...
Posted by
Will Hunting (aka JoeMetz)
Jan 28 '15, 08:21
the # of NFL teams that sustained a dynasty without an HoF QB is essentially 0* (1980's Redskins).
The # of NFL teams to back up an all-time QB with an all-time QB is essentially less than 5.
* Montana to Young
* Favre to Rodgers
* Peyton to Luck (TBD)
Most of the other teams who had 10-15 year runs had star QB's and then ceased to be title contenders when those stars left (Lions / Browns in the 50's, Colts with Unitas, Cowboys with Staubach, Steelers with Bradshaw..etc)
Unless Jimmy Garapollo is legit, the other ages don't mean much from an historical perspective.