*sigh* I have not had good travel luck lately
Posted by
Mar 9 '15, 18:37
(where in travel luck = on-time, not canceled, etc. Not the worse luck stuff)
Right now I'm sitting in Bangkok waiting to fly a JAL plane that has a mechanical issue to Tokyo. We should have left 20 minutes ago. There's not outlook for when we will leave. An I only have a one hour layover in Tokyo for my US connection so......
There are a couple of later connections, but if this flight is delayed 90-120 minutes, then I'm not leaving Tokyo tonight as planned which means I'm missing work Wednesday possibly.
I realize that I said I didn't want to go home, but this wasn't what I meant :/
Emirates upgraded me from Addis to Dubai. that was nice. -- nm
Mar 9, 18:53
awww....a night in Tokyo....why whatever could you do there? -- nm
Mar 9, 18:44
Fly with us! -- nm
Air Asia, Malaysian Air
Mar 9, 18:43
A night in Tokyo. How horrible. Is your wallet too small for your Fifties, too, Chandler? -- nm
Mar 9, 18:42
You weren't specific enough. ;) -- nm
Mar 9, 18:41
~The American...Bangkok, Oriental Setting... But the city don't know what the city is getting~ -- nm
Mar 9, 18:39
Hey, day off in Tokyo. -- nm
Mar 9, 18:39