I just let Ferb outside before N and I ran to the store; he showed a lot of interest in the area under N's picnic table, then started playing/fighting
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Jun 3 '15, 13:56
with something - looked like he was playing with a weed in the yard.
I walked over to shoo him away from the offending weed (as I heard a sound that might have come from a squeaky toy), to find a *teeny tiny* baby bunny instead. I don't think he hurt the bunny, but I mean, this is *tiny*. Eyes aren't even open.
We found a dead rabbit in the yard over the weekend so I'm worried at what this could mean.
There are other bunnies in the burrow under the picnic table. I called a wildlife center and they told me that if that was in fact mom dead in our yard, there's not much they could do. Rabbits have super sensitive systems, they can only get nutrients from their mother, yada yada. If we bring them in to the wildlife center, they're probably going to be euthanized. If we leave them outside and their mother is dead, they'll wind up dying too.
I am really hoping that was just a random dead rabbit in our yard, and not their mom. Time will tell... :/