Someone remind JackDawson that I said he was right and had a good point. And remind me, too.
His question about why I have to pick apart Obergefell v. Hodges rather than just be happy about it struck home. Why can't I just be happy with the decision? It's monumental. Historic. Something that -- even if you'd asked me a mere 4 or 5 years ago -- something that I thought I would never see in my lifetime.
Why can't I be happy with it?
I dunno. But I'm not. I've been grinding along for equality and equal civil rights in the LGBT community since my first political volunteerism in 1992. That was three years before I came out. That was 23 years ago. That's half my life.
I've spent half my life fighting just to keep the status quo. I fought against ballot measure and ballot measure. I fought in Oregon, California, Washington, and Illinois. I fought and I fought and I fought.
And I fought in law school, against the Soloman Amendment, and DOMA, and DADT, and state laws, and all sorts of legal nonsense.
And every single victory resulted in one of two things: we either managed to maintain the current status quo (barely), or we managed what we thought of as a victory, only to see it disappear six months, a year, or two years down the road.
I don't trust today. I just don't. Maybe it's because I'm cynical, jaded, and depressed. Maybe it's because I'm actually managing a glimpse of the future. Maybe it's because I'm single and subconsciously bitter. I dunno. But that's where I'm at.
And thank you, ST, for allowing me the space to make this rant.