Do you think this could be a viable political strategy for a House Representative?...
Posted by
Dano (aka dano)
Jun 28 '15, 08:44
My position on issues is irrelevant. As your representative what I promise is to provide strong constituent services and to stay in touch with the people of my district even if it contradicts my personal opinion. And then following through to the extent of possibly arguing for the passage of a bill on the floor and then voting against it because you know your district is against it.
No - it's easier to please the people who voted for you in the first place. (Simplifying, but...) that 51% elected you to vote in their interest 100% of the time -- nm
Roger More
Jun 28, 09:07
"Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgment; and he betrays, instead of serving you, if he sacrifices it to your opinion." -- nm*
Edmund Burke, rolling over in his grave
Jun 28, 08:53
From what I remember that's one of the two theories of how a representative to act.
Jun 28, 08:51
They would never get elected with that strategy -- nm
Jun 28, 08:49
you'd be whipped into line or isolated into irrelevance. -- nm
Jun 28, 08:45