In response to
"I just finished the story, the stuff I just traded in was lower than what I already had. Will I need both dlc?"
The unfortunate answer is that light gear is random.
Posted by
Imperator (aka David)
Aug 10 '15, 20:36
There are things you can do to boost your odds of getting better gear. Running strikes at the highest level you can gives you the best odds until you can do the raids, the Weekly stuff for strange coins, and the Nightfalls.
The way the game is currently designed, it's pretty easy to get from, say, 28, to 32. Getting from 20 to 28 is a lot harder to game the system.
If you got to level 24, I could carry you through some stuff that might open up some other stuff. What I was trying to do just then was run the weekly with you, but your level is too low to even launch it. I think you could join at level 24, though.