Ugh. Just had to chew out an employee for being a big suck about not receiving a promotion four months after the preceived slight.
She doesn't work well with her current work partner and even by her own admission has not always worked well with others because she's having a tough time accepting that her role is not what she would like it to be.
"Then you have a decision to make about whether you wish to remain with the company. I'd like to keep you here, however we've given you a lot of rope since July, and it is long past time for you to get over it. We've discussed the probably timelines before the role will change and if you don't think you can get through that time without letting everyone know how put out you are being, then I'll be making the choice for you shortly. Everyone else has the same type of work you do and if that is not 'mentually stimulating' enough for you, you might want to consider whether you are in the right industry."
Bah. Hate having a management component.