Is this too much of a cop-out? We are doing a gift-swap with my aunt/uncle/cousins again this year...
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Dec 2 '15, 06:07
previously we did it where people brought 5 gifts each (about $5 each) and we had a massive pile and a giant game. It was stupid in my opinion, but everyone else loved it. (i end up buying gifts from me, Dave and Dave's son so i ended up buying 15 gifts. Super annoying.)
ANYWAY! This year we are doing it in a restaurant, so I suggested that we do one $20-ish gift each, and everyone agreed.
I want to do (1) Movie theatre gift card, (2) Indigo, a book store, gift card and (3) maybe a lottery ticket pack.
is it lame if i don't bring actual 'things'? Personally, i would be happy with any of the above.