Is this reasoning sound? 1. The internet makes it easier to get spoiled about new movies. 2. One reason to go opening weekend is to reduce the odds of
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Dec 19 '15, 08:07
getting spoiled.
3. Thus, the internet is helping to create bigger opening weekends.
4. Some movies have more repeat business than others.
5. Some movies will have poorer legs when conditions are such that people *do* want to avoid spoilers but it's *not* going to get much repeat business.
6. HSX's multiplier is getting less accurate because it was formulated before the internet (esp Twitter and Facebook) made spoilage so likely.
(I'm thinking it's not very sound because I think there's almost always a pretty strong correlation between the movie that people don't want to be spoiled about and the movie that gets a good amount of repeat business, so point 5 is pretty much irrelevent.)