In response to
"I think I've brought this up before, but it boggles my mind that internet bandwidth quotas are a thing. -- nm"
That article I wrote six weeks ago about data caps is *still* getting complaints today.
Posted by
David (aka David)
Jan 26 '16, 09:48
Here's the latest one:
"I too have been hit with the Comcast 300G data cap. Like other observations in the article, Steam games use a lot which is why I went over one month and started investigating ways to monitor my data usage. I installed Networx on the 3 PC's we have at home and verified security was enabled and MAC filtering on my wireless network. My observations of the daily data usage leads me to believe that Comcast rounds up to the nearest GB, i.e... if you use 1.1GB they round it to 2GB (notice on their Data Meter it only reads in GB). According to NetForecast which verifies the Comcast's data meter there is some overhead in TCP/IP and ethernet of 6-9% and Comcast truncates the measurements, but I don't think I believe that. This month so far Networx says I've used 23.8GB and Comcast says I've used 36GB which is a 33% discrepancy. Just my 2 cents worth."