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Finest Hours - C, Revenant - B (spoiler)
Posted by
Mel Profit (aka mel profit)
Feb 1 '16, 06:54
Finest Hours is exactly what you expect. There are no surprises other than Eric Bana continues to get work. I promised myself I wasn't going to pay attention to the accents but his is so gawdawful. His character is from the Mid West I think, which they explain early on but he actually started to a Boston accent randomly "Webber, get out there." became, "Webbah, get out thahhh". I imagine someone on the crew whispering to another member, "he knows his character isn't from Cape Cod, right?" Anyway, it's a decent movie but nothing noteworthy.
Revenant might as well be called, Diva Repellent. I was totally right to go on my own and unwashed. It's pretty much what you expect if you expect an R-Rated "Grizzly Adams" episode on a hallucinogen.
The bear attack was pretty frightening. The first 20mins was actually really good. I loved the cinematography.
Leo was good but I don't think it was award worthy. All this talk of an award smells like a make-up for previous work. He's good in it but there's a lot of grunting, straining, grimacing and sweating. I think many other actors would have been able to do it. I think people are grasping at a chance to give him an Oscar because he's "due".
Tom Hardy on the other hand deserves all the praise. He's remarkable in it. He's mentioned as having channeled Tom Beringer in "Platoon" which I thought while watching it. He's menacing and unstable.