In response to
"forced to choose, I say 5. -- nm"
Yeah, looking at the episodes, I concur...
Posted by
Roger More (aka rogermore)
Feb 23 '16, 17:37
Five has...
Homer's Barbershop Quartet
Cape Feare
Homer Goes to College
The Hallowe'en episode where Homer sells his soul for a donut, Mr Burns is Dracula and a gremlin attacks the school bus
Boy Scoutz N The Hood
Last Temptation of Homer
Homer the Vigilante
Lisa vs Malibu Stacy
Deep Space Homer
Homer loves Flanders
The Boy Who Knew Too Much
and those are just the inarguable classics. The weakest episode is Sweet Seymour Skinner's Badassss Song, and that still has "Grease me up woman!" and Billy and the Cloneasaurus