In response to
"Weekend Viewing: Pompeii C+ -- nm"
Weekend Gaming: More Infocom classics... Spellbreaker, B+, and Bureaucracy, A-.
Spellbreaker is fantastic, but also frustrating and difficult. It is definitely not for those new to interactive fiction. It supports, and even requires, clever solutions merely to make progress. Too many dead-ends (where you can completely lock yourself out of winning without even realizing it), one seeming logical fallacy in a puzzle, and a requirement to do something at one point hid behind active discouragement and syntax games harm dearly what was otherwise an incredibly gratifying experience.
Bureaucracy has quite possibly the finest writing of any Infocom game I've ever played, which shouldn't be a surprise given Douglas Adams was involved. The puzzle design was almost uniformly excellent as well. I only knock off one point for a particular puzzle whose mechanics were clued so poorly as to be deceptive. The rest was a riot.