soooo ... my *brother* has his court appearance tomorrow ...
i have no idea what's going to happen ... if he'll be released and given probation (and / or "time served" for the past 3 months he's sat in jail for the DUI) ... if the judge will insist he go to rehab next for 30+ days before he can go home ... if he'll get more jail time, because "technically" this is his 2nd DUI (other one was back in november, 2nd in January) and I don't know how this judge is going to be, because the 2 DUI's happened in separate counties and I just don't now how that's going to work, if they've "communicated" back forth over this, etc. ....
and, of course, if he gets released, my parents have already said that he can come home for a while until "he can get back on his feet" ...
keep in mind that my dad ... well, nevermind ...
and keep in my mind that Mom just had that accident a week and a half ago and is in rehab / therapy, and when she comes home in a couple of weeks she's still going to need some help getting around for a while (she's doing much better, by the way. it's just going to take some time for her to be back anywhere near to what she was before the fall) ... and she's in no condition physically or emotionally to put up with any shinanigans right now ...
and i swear to the gods i don't know what to expect when the effer gets out and shows up around here.
so, i want to go on record on a couple of things here .... namely, that i fully expect the effer to start right back up where he was before. I'll be generous and give him a week to 10 days. and that's being really generous here. I won't be surprised if he finds his way into getting shit-face wasted within 72 hours of getting out of jail.
i also want to be on record right now as saying that, regardless of whatever they've told him, and whatever they tell him when he comes home, that they won't keep their word. they'll just put up with whatever crap he decides to start back up on. and that they'll just let it continue to happen.
I also, finally, want to be on record personally here. if he starts anything up, 1 of 2 things will happen. I'll either end up in jail for hurting the bastard and putting him in the hospital ...
or i'll decide that I value my freedom infinitely more than any satisfaction I'll get from conflicting with him. and if this is the decision i make, i walk away from this *family*. I've seen and put up with too much crap over the years and I'm getting up off of the couch, i'm going to the window, and i'm screaming at the top of my lungs, "I'm mad as hell, and i'm not going to take this anymore."
and if that happens, you guys might not see me for a little while around here, as I'll be packing up my things and walking away from "this life" in order to establish myself somewhere else and start a new life somewhere else. besides, i'm in need of a fresh start anyway, and i rather like the idea of "getting busy living" for once ... :)