so, here is what is going on for those interested.....
Posted by
groiny (aka groiny)
Aug 16 '16, 07:35
Sunday, my mom got a bloody nose, figured it was sinus related.
Last night, she got a bloody nose, followed by blood spewing out of her mouth as well. Went to the ER, they did a slew of tests and such, they found a mass her her lung about half the size of her lung. They were doing a CT scan and are doing a biopsy on it this morning. She has smoked for 40+ years, so I am sure I know what is going to come of that biopsy.
She does not want me to go to the hospital right now to see her spewing blood from her face, so I am sitting by my phone waiting for updates. I plan on going to the hospital after work today regardless, but this is a bad, bad situation.
Keep in mind, her husband just died last year, her mom has just been put into a home because she can't really take care of herself anymore. This has not been a great run for my family as of late, and I have had about enough of this shit.
Thanks for your thoughts.....
I'm sorry. Keep remembering that we're here for whatever comes next. -- nm
Aug 16, 10:43
(((hugs))) for both of you -- nm
Aug 16, 10:15
very sorry to hear this. I hope she gets better -- nm
Aug 16, 08:37
sorry man. let us know if there is anything st can collectively due to help.
Aug 16, 07:58
Sorry to hear it.. (NM)
Aug 16, 07:57
That's so terrible. I'm sorry for what you're going through. -- nm
David's iPad
Aug 16, 07:54
*hug* :( -- nm
Aug 16, 07:52
Hoping for the best for your mum. -- nm
Aug 16, 07:50
Sorry to hear this and good thoughts -- nm
Aug 16, 07:50
Very sorry to hear this. -- nm
Will Hunting
Aug 16, 07:49
so very sorry. thoughts and prayers with you and yours -- nm
Aug 16, 07:48
Aw man. Good vibes and positive thoughts your way. -- nm
Aug 16, 07:47
sorry. -- nm
Mel Profit
Aug 16, 07:45
so sorry man. -- nm
Aug 16, 07:43
i am so sorry. *hugs* -- nm
Aug 16, 07:42
Good thoughts and hoping for the best. -- nm
Roger More
Aug 16, 07:40
so sorry. -- nm
Aug 16, 07:40
sorry about your mom. -- nm
Aug 16, 07:39
So sorry. That's such a tough situation. -- nm
Aug 16, 07:38
I'm really sorry, dude. Hopefully the news isn't the worst you imagine. -- nm
Aug 16, 07:37
Good thoughts and prayers dude. -- nm
Aug 16, 07:37
Oh no. Very sorry for all this, wes. -- nm
Aug 16, 07:36
Good Christ sorry to hear that. Best wishes for your mom! -- nm
Aug 16, 07:36