ST Poll: Do you have an exact polling place? We can choose any site we want. -- nm
Posted by
hellSpawn (aka Spawn)
Oct 25 '16, 09:09
(No message)
Set spot. I need to find if I can go earlier some place else.
Oct 25, 09:40
- [deleted]
Yes, a set spot. -- nm
Oct 25, 09:35
Yes, at the Senior Center. -- nm
Oct 25, 09:30
Yup, about 30 feet from where I am sitting right now, the City Library -- nm
Oct 25, 09:21
Not for early voting, but otherwise, yes. Community center about a block from my house. -- nm
Oct 25, 09:20
We do on Election Day proper (a Housing Authority complex)), but MA is doing early voting for the first time this year and there are a number of places we can go to. -- nm*
Miss Diva, if you're Nasty
Oct 25, 09:17
Yup, the local high school. -- nm
Oct 25, 09:15
yes, my old one was the fire house. the new one is the police station/township building -- nm
Oct 25, 09:15
Yes, and I look forward to online voting to liberate us from this aggravation. -- nm
Oct 25, 09:13
Apartment building at the corner of our block. -- nm
Oct 25, 09:12
Fire house about a mile down the road. -- nm
The Legend of CQ Hollow
Oct 25, 09:12
yes. school -- nm
mr monkey
Oct 25, 09:12
here we have a very specific location based on your address. (which is in the lobby of my building, so, woo!) -- nm*
Candie Apple
Oct 25, 09:11
you can? I have to go to the one in the elementary school by me -- nm
Oct 25, 09:10
Yes, one of my kid's schools. -- nm
Oct 25, 09:10
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