In response to
"Well, the rest of America will do fine taking bits and pieces of these companies. -- nm"
Will Hunting
Favourites: 1
Probably. But eventually, maybe we'll have a national law along the same lines.
One can hope.
If there is anything I've decided after this election, I'm done being practical and pragmatic. Realpolitik only works when one's opponents are rational and have at least a modicum of human decency. Rampant, unrestrained greed is not a modicum of human decency.
Besides, I like laws like this rather than absolute caps on pay. I oppose absolute caps on pay.
But here, the law essentially says "Give a little bit of your success to those that helped you." If you're a CEO, and you can't put forth the companies revenues to raise median pay $1 for every additional $100 you own, then you shouldn't be living in any society, much less the head of a company.